There are some crazy things to be learned. If you could really put your mind to it, I am sure you could think of many. Let's think basic.
Learn to walk and talk. Wanna get more complex?
Learn to cut hair, play guitar, sew.
How bout this? Learn to love God?
Do we need to be taught to do so? I think so. The Bible says we are not lovers of God, but we love our selves! Selfish, and even haters of Him. We want to go our own way, do our own thing.
I see the example in my children. Children seem to be a great picture of a relationship with God. You don't have to teach children to be selfish, demanding or self centered. Same with the children of God. We have to be taught to love Him, to submit to Him and go His way with our life.
As a child of His I want to please Him. He is the creator of our world, He is worthy. He is my salvation!
But my selfishness gets in the way.
I need to learn more about Him, to love Him for who He is, for what He has done for me.
For the grace He gives.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.
That saved a Wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I am found
Was blind but now I see.
I am the wretch, I need to learn.
Faith like a child.
That's what I know, how about you?